カピバラオーナーズ トーク (INSIDE EDITION)

By 2010-03-16その他


  • Caplin the Capybara Performs Tricks (Video)
    Melanie Typaldos show INSIDE EDITION some tricks that she trained Caplin to do. Melanie says Capybara’s are smart animals and quick learners.
  • Caplin Rous the Capybara (Photo, Text)
    INSIDE EDITION met Caplin Rous, a capybara who lives outside Austin, Texas, with his owner. Caplin is over 100 pounds and he lives inside his family’s home, but he loves to swim in the backyard pool.
  • Meet Caplin the Capybara (Video)
    Meet Caplin Rous the Capybara. Capybaras are the largest living rodents in the world and are native to South America. Caplin lives with owner Melanie Typaldos outside Austin, Texas.
  • Why She Wanted a Capybara (Video)
    Melanie Typaldos tells INSIDE EDITION how she came to own and train the world’s largest rodent as her pet.

@caplinrous Here’s a link to me on #InsideEdition. They called me “The World’s Ugliest Pet” and “Giant Rat of Texas!”

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Giant rat? No! It’s a Capybara!